The New Year

Well, it’s been a while since I have had the time to sit down and write a few things, so here it goes.

Lobby Framing

Last year was definitely a much better year than 2010 but with an election year coming up I am curious how 2012 will compare to last years. Of course there is only one way we are going to know for certain, I can’t help but wonder.

Things are off to a bit of a promising start as they were last year, maybe even a little better in fact. We have 3 jobs that we have been given all a verbal on, and we have bid a few more respectable sized to take off in the 2nd quarter.

Sidewall canopy framing

Self Storage new construction seems to be down overall in comparison to the larger brands buying up distressed facilities for pennies on the dollar when compared to new construction. Also by judging the Messenger magazine, major cities seemed to be oversupplied or saturated with self storage sq.ft.

No matter, happy new year, and lets hope self storage construction will see a rise again.

You can see more pictures of the project pictured here and more at our facebook page here.

About Jason Setzer

I love my kids and and my Harley, I am a tech junkie and am very interested in all sorts of architecture. View all posts by Jason Setzer

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